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Support  > Android Documentation  >  Animal Data Entry  >  Animal / Non-ID Group

Animal / Non-ID Group


This screen provides the ability to manage individual Animal and Non-ID Group records. It enables you to quickly lookup an individual animal record by EID (using Tru-Test reader or manual entry) or VID number, or Non-ID Groups by selecting from a list of available Groups.

If the individual animal tag number is not found, it will present an option to create a new record for the animal. Once the record is found or created, you can view all entries to the record, sort the data as needed or add new data to the record. 


Search / Add Animals

The first step is to search for an individual animal or Non-ID Group. To do this, select the SEARCH / ADD button from the Animal / Non-ID Group screen.

Search / Create Animals

This will present you with the following 4 options:

  • EID Tag Using Manual Entry

    • Used when you know the EID number only but don't have a stick reader or animal available

    • Will present a numerical entry tool that will limit you to numbers up to 16 digits

  • Visual Tag Using Manual Entry

    • Used for VID only tags or when you don't have a stick reader available

    • Will present a wizard to:

      • Select Animal Type​

      • Enter VID (up to 20 characters)

      • Select VID Year

      • Select Tag Color (optional)

  • Non-ID Group

    • Will present Non-ID Groups you created previously in Group Settings to select from

  • EID Tag Using EID Reader

    • Used to lookup an animal record when you have an animal with an EID tag and a tag reader available​

    • Will present a wizard to:

      • Select Animal Type​

      • Select EID Reader from those previously paired in Bluetooth screen

      • Wand the tag which will populate the EID field

If you have chosen to lookup an individual animal by it's tag information (i.e. any method except Non-ID Group), the system will search for the record and will either:

  1. Present the matching animal record and history (see below) or

  2. If it does not find a matching animal, it will:

    • Present a dialog informing you that there is no matching animal in the system

    • Provide you the option to create a new animal in the system with the information provided

    • If you choose to create a new animal in the system, it will present the record created

If you have chosen to lookup a Non-ID Group record, the system will present the Non-ID Group record and history (see below)

View Record

This screen displays information in two sections:

  • Top section - Tag or Non-ID Group identification information

  • Bottom section - Record History information

The top section will present the following information depending on whether an Animal or Non-ID group record is shown:

  • Animal

    • Visual Tag #​ - mandatory for VID tag, can be entered or updated using UPDATE TAG function

    • Animal Type - mandatory for any animal record and can't be edited

    • Visual Tag Year - mandatory for VID tag, can be entered or updated using UPDATE TAG function

    • Tag Color - optional, can be entered directly if blank by touching field or can be updated using UPDATE TAG function

    • EID Number - can be entered or updated using UPDATE TAG function

    • Withholding Expiry Days - if the animal is within a health treatment withholding period, this header will be displayed and the number of remaining days within the withholding period will be displayed below in red type - e.g. Meat: 12  Milk: 20 Wool: 60

    • Row overflow (3 dots at the end of the row) - when selected will display a "Delete" option.

      • If the animal is currently in an unfinished event the Delete option will be inactive

      • If the animal has been previously synced, selecting Delete will remove the record and history since the last sync from all tablets but will maintain it on the web portal

      • If the animal has not been previously synced, selecting Delete will remove the record and history from the tablet. No record or history will be available on the web portal

Individual Animal Record example

  • Note - The top entry will be the animal's current stock class based on its birth date and Farm Settings regarding stock class conversion months. If no birth date is available, it will display "No Birth Date"

View Record

Note: You can directly access the Dam, Sire or Offspring records by selecting the value (link) associated with Dam Tag, Sire Tag or Offspring tag.

Non-ID Group Record example

  • Non-ID Group

    • Animal Type - the animal type for the Non-ID Group

    • Non-ID Group Year - the year of Non-ID Group

    • Group Name - the name of the selected group

The bottom section shows all data entries associated with the record including:

  • Data Element - the name of the data element added

  • Value - the specific value of the data element for the entry

  • Entry Type / Event Name - this indicates the function that was used to create the entry into the record. The options include:

    • Animal ​/ Non-ID - indicates the entry was made in this screen - Event Name will be blank

    • Configured Event - indicates the entry was made using the Configured Events function - Event Name will be for the Configured Event used for the entry

    • EID Reader - indicates the entry was made using the EID Reader File Import function - Event Name will be for the File Import name assigned during the import

    • Filtered List - indicates the entry was made using the Filtered Animal List function - Event Name will be blank

    • Imported - indicates the entry was made using the Import Records function on the web portal - Event Name will be blank

    • Tag Order - indicates the entry was made using the Import Tags function on the web portal - Event Name will be blank

  • Date/Time - The date and time that the entry was made to the database. NOTE: The format and date/time is based on the tablet settings

  • Row overflow menu (3 dots at end of row) - If selected, this will present Delete menu item. If selected, this will:

    • Ask you to confirm deletion of this entry

    • If confirmed, the entry on the animal or Non-ID Group record will be removed from the tablet and other tablets and the web portal once synced.

Note: Long comment entries will show with a "..." at the end of text that can fit in the space. To see the full comment, select the row overflow menu and the Details menu item. This will display an overlay box with the full comment details.

Update Tag

This function enables you to do the following to an existing record:

  • Add an EID number to a VID only record

  • Add a VID number to an EID only record

  • ​Merge an existing standalone EID and VID record (i.e. if the number added in either scenario above is currently a standalone record)

  • Replace the EID number (will retain all history and old EID number in history)

  • Replace the VID number (will retain all history and old VID number in history)

Update Tag

When you select the UPDATE TAG button it opens a wizard with two update types:

  • EID - If selected, it presents two options to enter new EID number​:

    • Manual entry​ wizard - if selected, it presents a wizard with the following screens to complete

      • A number entry pad to enter the EID Number​

      • A selection of update reasons to choose from

    • Using an EID Reader - if selected, it presents a wizard with the following screens to complete

      • A list of previously paired EID Readers to choose from. Once selected it will attempt to connect.

      • A screen that will populate the EID field once the EID Reader completes the EID tag scan

      • A selection of update reasons to choose from

  • VID if selected, it presents a wizard with the following screens to complete

    • A VID number (can be up to 20 characters) with an entry keyboard​

    • A list of available VID Years to select from (NOTE: 9999 should be used for animals where VID Year is not known)

    • A list of tag colors to select from (optional)

Regardless of the method used, once completed, the system will check to see if the tag data entered is currently assigned to another animal. 

  • If so, it will present a note at the bottom of the review screen stating "Tag is already in use" with a DISMISS button that will allow you to exit or edit the information entered

  • If not, it will update the top section with the new tag information along with creating an entry in the bottom section with the new tag information and the reason selected for the update

In the case where you have created separate EID and VID records for an animal, the system now provides the following function to merge these based on certain conditions:

  • Update Type - VID

    • Condition - the displayed record has EID information but no VID information (VID # and VID Year)

    • The VID tag information entered matches a record without an EID

    • The system will present the following dialog "Merge Tags", "This VID tag is currently assigned to another animal without EID information. Please confirm that you would like to merge the information on these two animals. This action cannot be reversed so please confirm that they are the same animal". It will have a CANCEL and MERGE button

    • If MERGE is selected, it will:

      • Add VID information selected to the current EID record

      • Merge the data from the VID record into the EID record (maintaining entry dates)

      • Delete the VID only tag from the system

    • If CANCEL is selected, it will remove the Update Tag wizard screen and return the user to the original record

  • Update Type - EID

    • Condition - the displayed record has VID information (VID # and VID Year) but no EID information​

    • The EID tag information entered matches a record without VID information (VID # and VID Year)

    • ​The system will present the following dialog "Merge Tags", "This EID tag is currently assigned to another animal without VID information. Please confirm that you would like to merge the information on these two animals. This action cannot be reversed so please confirm that they are the same animal". It will have a CANCEL and MERGE button

    • If MERGE is selected, it will:

      • Add EID information selected to the current VID record

      • Merge the data from the EID record into the VID record (maintaining entry dates)

      • Delete the EID only tag from the system

    • If CANCEL is selected, it will remove the Update Tag wizard screen and return the user to the original record

  • Notes:​

    • Once tags are merged and the tablet application is synced to the cloud, the individual merged tag that is deleted will be removed from the web portal - only the merged tag record will be available.

    • Any additional tablet for the farm that syncs after this point will have the this individual merged tag deleted also - only the merged tag information will be available.

    • If an additional tablet for the farm has added new data on the individual merged tag record since the last sync, this information will be added to the merged tag before deletion.

Add Data

This function enables you to add data to an individual animal record or a Non-ID Group record. To do this:

  1. Select the ADD DATA button

  2. This will present you a list of available data elements to add to the animal based on the Animal Type of the Animal or Non-ID Group

  3. To add data, simply select the data element that you would like to add and NEXT

Add Data

4. This will present data entry options based on the data element selected - e.g. numerical entry for weight, text entry for Stud Farm or selection for scan result

5. Once you have entered or selected the data element value and NEXT, you will be presented a Review screen.

6. Once you select COMPLETE from the Review screen, the system will add the data element and value to the Animal or Non-ID Group record and display this in the table as the top entry


  • Automated Entries - There are a few entries that automatically create related entries including:

    • When Birth Date is entered for an animal, the system automatically

      • Creates an entry for Year Born based on the birth year

      • Create an entry for conception date based on animal type (Cattle - birth date - 283 days, Deer - 201 days, Sheep 145 days)

    • When a Dam Tag or Sire Tag is added to an animal's record, the system automatically adds that animal's tag to the Dam or Sire's record as Offspring Tag

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