Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Support > Veterinarian Support > Reporting > Forecasts
This screen enables you to view sales and volume forecasts at the Account and Farm level for health treatments and veterinary services and modify the details of these at the Farm level.
Select View
On selection of Forecast, the following screen will display to enable the selection of the Account and/or Farm forecast.
If the user has access to only one Account
It will be pre-selected and the button disabled
It will display the Account View Forecast for 12 months from the current month
The SELECT FARM button will be enabled. If a Farm is selected, it will change the forecast view from Account View to Farm View below
If the user has access to multiple Accounts and Farms, only the SELECT ACCOUNT button will be enabled. Once an Account is selected, it will:
Display the Account View Forecast for 12 months from the current month
Enable the SELECT FARM button. If a Farm is selected, it will change the forecast view from Account to Farm below
If the Account selection is changed, this will:
Change the screen to the Account View Forecast for the 12 month timeframe selected
Remove any Farm selections and change this button to SELECT FARM
If the Farm is changed, this will change the forecast view to the Farm selected
Account View
If an Account is selected without a Farm, a screen similar to what is displayed below will be presented. The screen is separated into three sections:
Treatment Sales Forecast:
View individual treatment sales by month for all farms, expand to see breakdown by farm along with a total for the 12 months chosen
View treatment sales for all treatments by month and a total for the 12 months chosen
Services Sales Forecast:
View individual services sales by month for all farms, expand to see breakdown by farm along with a total for the 12 months chosen
View services sales for all services by month and a total for the 12 months chosen
Treatment Quantity Forecast
View individual treatment quantities (by uom) by month for all farms, expand any row to see the breakdown by farm along with a total for the 12 months chosen
View treatment quantities for all treatments by month and a total for the 12 months chosen
Farm View
If a Farm is selected, a screen similar to what is displayed below will be presented. The screen is separated into three sections:
Treatment Sales Forecast:
View individual treatment sales by month for the farm
Expand any row to:
View treatment sales details by event in the timeframe specified
View the estimated number of animals for the event based on the stock class & gender based on information in system. If animal type, gender and birth date is not available the animal or Non-ID Group will not be counted.
View the estimated total weight for the number of animals identified based on their stock class at the planned time of the event and their most recent weight. If there are no weights for an animal, this will be blank.
Modify the number of animals or total weight which will modify the revenue per event and totals
If changes are made the SAVE button will activate. Select this to save changes for the farm
To have the system update the amounts after changes have been saved, select the overflow icon (3 dots at end of row) and select update. This will change the previous manual entry to the latest system information
Services Sales Forecast:
View individual services sales by month for the farm
Expand any row to:
View services sales details by event in the timeframe specified
View the estimated number of animals for the event based on the stock class & gender based on information in system. If animal type, gender and birth date is not available the animal or Non-ID Group will not be counted.
Modify the number of animals
View a previously entered services cost which will modify the revenue per service and totals
If changes are made the SAVE button will activate. Select this to save changes for the farm
To have the system update the amounts after changes have been saved, select the overflow icon (3 dots at end of row) and select Update. This will change the previous manual entry to the latest system information.
Treatment Quantity Forecast
View individual treatment quantities (by uom) by month and total for the farm for the 12 months chosen
Expand any row to:
View the quantity breakdown by events for the 12 months chosen based on changes made in Treatment Sales Forecast above