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Support  > Veterinarian Support  Planning  >  Manage Plans

Manage Plans


This screen enables you to create, view or modify Farm Plans. Once saved, Farm users can view and edit their plan. 


Create Plan

To create a new Farm Plan, an Account and associated Farm must be selected. 

  • If the user has access to only one Account

    • The SELECT ACCOUNT button will be pre-populated and the button disabled

    • The SELECT FARM button will be enabled. If a Farm is selected, it will present the Farm Plan for the Farm below​​

  • If the user has access to multiple Accounts and Farms, only the SELECT ACCOUNT button will be enabled. Once an Account is selected, it will:

    • Enable the SELECT FARM button. If a Farm is selected, it will present the Farm Plan for the Farm below​​

  • If the Account selection is changed, this will:

    • Remove the Farm plan

    • Remove any Farm selections and change this button to SELECT FARM

  • If the Farm is changed, this will change the Farm Plan to the Farm selected

Create Plan

If the farm does not have a plan, it will present a screen similar to what is displayed below. Start adding templates or individual events to the template by selecting one of the buttons at the top right. 

If ADD TEMPLATE is selected, it will present a screen similar to what is displayed below. To add the template:

  1. Select a Type - Cattle, Deer, Farm or Sheep. This will enable the Class button

  2. Select a Class - these will be dependent on the Type chosen. This will enable the Category button unless Farm - Admin, Health & Safety, Land or Staff is selected as Class (these do not currently have Categories).

    • Farm - Admin, Health & Safety, Land, Staff and Stock

    • Cattle - Calf, R1, R2 and Mixed Age

    • Deer - Calf, R1, R2 and Mixed Age

    • Sheep - Lamb, Hogget, 2 Tooth and Mixed Age  

  3. Select a Category - the options will be dependent on the Type selected. 

    • Farm (Stock only) - Cattle, Deer and Sheep

    • Cattle - Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed and Steer

    • Deer - Hind, Mixed and Stag

    • Sheep - Ewe, Mixed, Ram and Wether

  4. Search for templates by placing the cursor in the search bar will present a list of all templates that match the Type/Class/Category selections made previously. Start entering letters in the search field to filter the list and eliminate templates that do not match the entry. To see the full list again, delete the entry in the search bar.​ Once you select an available entry, it will place the name of the template in the search bar and show the list of template events below the Template Scheduling Event box

  5. Select the Template Scheduling Event from the listing of events shown. This will place the name of the event in the top box.

  6. Select the Scheduling Event Date

    • This will place the event selected on the Scheduling Event Date selected and will schedule all other events on the correct date based on the dependencies and lead/lag times configured for the template

    • The Scheduling Event Date will be limited to 1 year before and 1 year after the current date.​

  7. OPTIONAL: Select "Repeat Events Annually" checkbox to set all events assigned in the template to repeat annually going forward

    • Note: If the checkbox is selected​ and events are set to repeat annually:

      • If an event is edited (scheduled date or details), these edits will be reflected in the event itself and all future repeated events

      • If a future event is edited, edits to previous events will not be reflected in future events anymore (breaks the link)

      • Repeated event dates can be moved back to one day after the previous event or as far in the future as desired

      • If an event is deleted, this will also delete all future repeated events

  8. Once all selections have been made, the SAVE button will activate

  9. Select the SAVE button which will:

    • Check that the same template has not been added to the Type/Class/Category previously. If it has been added previously, it will display a warning message "This template has previously been added to this Type/Class/Category row." with a DISMISS button to remove the dialog

    • Add the template name to the Farm Plan under the appropriate Type/Class/Category and add all template events based on the start date and dependency lead or lag times specified in the template

    • Save all events to repeat each year on the same date (if checkbox is selected)

    • Expand the the applicable Type/Class/Category row (if not currently expanded) and show cards for all events if they are scheduled for the 6 month timeframe shown. To see other timeframes, select the dropdowns in the FROM box and select a different starting month & year for the 6 month view.

    • If there are Treatment events included in the template that include Health Treatments that are not currently assigned to the farm, they will be added to the Farm's Health Treatments listing as added by the Account level (vs. Farm level)

If ADD EVENT is selected, it will present a screen similar to what is displayed below. To add an event:

  1. Select the Event Type - this will drive the available Event Names to search (Farm, Service or Treatment)

  2. Select Type - options are Farm, Cattle, Deer or Sheep. Selecting one will enable the Class button.

  3. Select a Class - these will be dependent on the Type chosen. This will enable the Category button unless Farm - Admin, Health & Safety, Land or Staff is selected as Class (these do not currently have Categories).

    • Farm - Admin, Health & Safety, Land, Staff and Stock

    • ​Cattle - Calf, R1, R2 and Mixed Age

    • Deer - Calf, R1, R2 and Mixed Age

    • Sheep - Lamb, Hogget, 2 Tooth and Mixed Age  

  4. Select a Category - the options will be dependent on the Type selected. 

    • Farm (Stock only) - Cattle, Deer and Sheep

    • Cattle - Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed and Steer

    • Deer - Hind, Mixed and Stag

    • Sheep - Ewe, Mixed, Ram and Wether

  5. Search for an available event by placing the cursor in the search bar which will present a list of all events that match the Event Type / Type / Class / Category selections made previously or events without Type/Class/Category defined. Start entering letters in the search field to filter the list and eliminate events that do not match the entry. To see the full list again, delete the entry in the search bar.​​ Select an event from the list to populate the event details (Purpose, Instructions and Health Treatment) for viewing or editing.

  6. Search for the template to assign the event to by placing the cursor in the search bar which will present a list of all Plan templates that have been added that match the Type/Class/Category selections made previously. "Default" will be at the top of the list - selecting this will assign the event to a default template for the Type/Class/Category.

  7. Select either Fixed Date or Dependent Event

    • If Fixed Date is selected, this will present a calendar tool to enter or select an event date

      • Note: the Event date will be limited to 1 year before and 1 year after the current date

    • If Dependent Event is selected, this will present a dependent search field

      • Search for a dependent event name in the search field

        • Note: This will be limited to the events currently saved in the same Type/Class/Category/Template Name

      • ​Once a dependent event is selected, enter a number in the Lead (-) or Lag (+) Days line

      • Notes: 

        • ​If the same event type/name has been added to the Type/Class/Category/Template previously more than once, all previous entries will be displayed with its name followed by its currently assigned date after it in the search results (limited to 12 months before & after the current date) - e.g. Drench (22/11/18), Drench (22/01/19), etc.

      • Example - A Treatment event named "Preventative - Worm - Oral Drench" is added to the Farm Plan under for Cattle/Calf/Mixed Default template the with a fixed date of 22/11/18. Later, the same event is added to the template with a 60 day lag time on the previously added event "Preventative - Worm - Oral Drench" which makes its event date 22/01/19. The next time that "Preventative - Worm - Oral Drench" is searched for as a dependent event, the search results return "Preventative - Worm - Oral Drench (22/11/18)" and "Preventative - Worm - Oral Drench (22/01/19)" to select from. 

  8. OPTIONAL: Select "Repeat Event Annually" checkbox to set event to repeat every 12 months ​

    • Note: The checkbox will only be enabled if a Fixed Date is selected. If a dependent event is selected instead, the checkbox will be disabled and the event will only be repeated if the dependent event is set to repeat​

  9. Once all selections have been made, the SAVE button will activate

  10. Select the SAVE button which will:

    • Check that the event is not a duplicate to an existing event in the same Type/Class/Category/Template (if applicable) on the same date (as a result of the date scheduled or based on dependency details). If it is a duplicate, the following error message will be displayed "Duplicate Event. This event is scheduled is already scheduled for the specified date. Please edit schedule details to allow the event to be saved" with EDIT SCHEDULE button that will remove the message

    • If the event is not a duplicate on the same date, it will be added to the Farm Plan based on either the date selected or based on the dependency Lead or Lag Days specified

    • Save the event to repeat each year on the same date (if applicable)

    • Expand the the applicable Type/Class/Category/Template row (if not currently expanded) and show the card for the event if it is scheduled for the 6 month timeframe shown. To see other timeframes, select the dropdowns in the FROM box and select a different starting month and year for the 6 month view.

    • If the event being added is a Treatment event that includes a Health Treatment that is not currently assigned to the farm, the treatment will be added to the Farm's Health Treatments listing as added by the Account level.

View/Edit Plan

If the farm has events saved to the plan, it will display a screen similar to what is shown below once the farm is selected. All rows with events scheduled for the 6 month timeframe will be expanded by default. The information on the screen is as follows:

  • ACCOUNT NAME - If the user has access to only one Account, the SELECT ACCOUNT button will be pre-populated with the Account Name and the button disabled. If the user has access to multiple Accounts, only the SELECT ACCOUNT button will be enabled. Once an Account is selected, it will enable the SELECT FARM button. 

  • FARM NAME - If the user has access to only on Farm for the Account, the SELECT FARM button will be pre-populated with the Farm and the button disabled. If the user has access to multiple Farms, use the drop down arrow to select a farm from the list

  • FROM: Select the starting month and year for the 6 months displayed in the table below.

    • Note: This will be defaulted to the current month/year and is limited to 3 years in the future or past.

  • ADD TEMPLATE - will open the dialog to add a previously defined (or default) template to the farm plan

  • ADD EVENT - will open the dialog to add a previously defined (or default) event to the farm plan

  • Event Information

    • Rows

      • The rows in the table will be sorted by Type in the following order - Farm, Cattle, Deer and Sheep

      • The rows within the Farm Type will be sorted by Class alphabetically with only the Stock Class having available Categories with these being sorted alphabetically (i.e. Cattle, Deer, Sheep)

      • The rows within the Cattle, Deer & Sheep Type will be sorted

        1. By Class associated with stock class from youngest to oldest, then

        2. By Categories alphabetically by gender

        3. By Template name except Default which will always be at the top of the Class - Category listing

      • Farm

        • ​Admin

        • Health & Safety

        • Land

        • Staff

        • Stock - (Cattle, Deer, Sheep)

      • Cattle

        • Calf - (Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed, Steer)

        • R1 - (Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed, Steer)

        • R2 - (Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed, Steer)

        • Mixed Age - (Bull, Cow/Heifer, Mixed, Steer)

      • Deer

        • Calf - (Hind, Mixed, Stag)

        • R1 - (Hind, Mixed, Stag)

        • R2 - (Hind, Mixed, Stag)

        • Mixed Age - (Hind, Mixed, Stag)

      • Sheep

        • Lamb (Ewe, Mixed, Ram and Wether)

        • Hogget - (Ewe, Mixed, Ram, Wether)

        • 2 Tooth - (Ewe, Mixed, Ram, Wether)

        • Mixed Age - (Ewe, Mixed, Ram, Wether)  

      • Below the Class - Category listing will be the template name (if a template is added or Default if not)

      • Delete Plan - the green trash can icon to the right of the template name will delete all events for the plan

      • All rows without information for the selected 6 month timeframe will be hidden by default

      • If the Type has events in any Class-Category row assigned in the selected 6 month timeframe, the <Mon YY> designator will be shown in this row

    • Event Cards

      • Will be displayed in the appropriate Type/Class/Category/Template row​ in order of event date within the month (earliest at top)

      • Event color designations:

        • Gray - completed

        • Red - past due date

        • Yellow - due within 2 weeks

        • Green - due in more than 2 weeks

      • Card information

        • Completed checkbox (top left) - select this to record that the event has been completed - places a checkmark and changes color to gray 

        • Event Name - select this to open the event details and make edits. If the name is longer than the box has space for, you will see a "..." at the end of the name - hover your cursor over the name to see the full text

        • Delete icon (trash can on top right) - select this to delete event from the plan. Hover over this to see definitions

          • A solid white icon represents​ that it is scheduled for a fixed date and no events are dependent on it

          • An outlined icon represents represents that it is scheduled for a fixed date and other events are dependent on it

          • An outlined icon with a dot in the middle represents that the event scheduling is dependent on other events

        • Event Type (bottom left box) - hover over this to see definition

          • F - Indicates Farm event type

          • S - Indicates Service event type

          • T- Indicates Treatment event type

        • Event Due Date (bottom left)

View Plan

View/Edit Event

Selecting the Event Name (hyperlink) on any card will display an overlay box similar to what is shown below. The information on the screen is as follows:​

  • "Apply Edits To Future Events" checkbox - if selected, edits made to the event will be applied to all matching future events (same Type and name) for the current Plan/Class/Type/Template from the current date forward

  • SAVE button - this is disabled until an edit is made to the event. Once selected, it will:

    • Check that the event is not a duplicate to an existing event in the same Type/Class/Category/Template (if applicable) on the same date (as a result of the date scheduled or based on dependency details). If it is a duplicate, the following error message will be displayed "Duplicate Event. This event is scheduled is already scheduled for the specified date. Please edit schedule details to allow the event to be saved" with EDIT SCHEDULE button that will remove the message

    • If the event is not a duplicate on the same date, it will:

      • Apply edits to the event and move it to the appropriate date (if applicable) based on either the date selected or based on the dependency Lead or Lag Days specified

      • Update the non-scheduling event details for matching (or repeating) events in Type/Class/Category/Template from the current date forward if "Apply Edits To Future Events" is selected

      • Expand the the applicable Type/Class/Category/Template row (if not currently expanded) and show the card for the event if it is scheduled for the 6 month timeframe shown. To see other timeframes, select the dropdown in the FROM box and select a different starting month and year for the 6 month view.

    • Save the event to repeat each year on the same date (if applicable)

    • If the event edits include changing a Treatment event  to a Health Treatment that is not currently assigned to the farm, the treatment will be added to the Farm's Health Treatments listing as added by the Account level.

    • Notes: 

      • Repeated event dates can be moved back to one day after the previous event or as far in the future as desired

  • Event Type (not editable) - displays the event type (Farm, Service or Treatment)

  • Event Name (not editable) - displays the event name

  • Purpose - (editable) - displays a short description of what the purpose of event is

  • Instructions - (editable) - displays a description of how to perform the event

  • Health Treatment Details (editable - only shown for Treatment events):

    • Health Treatment - select from list of Health Treatments in drop down list

    • Dosage Amount - enter a numerical value

    • Dosage Unit of Measure (will be defaulted for all treatments except those with UOM of gram - this will provide g or mg options)

    • Dosage Method - Select either Per Animal or Per Kg Wt​​

  • Schedule Type (editable) - select either Fixed Date or Dependent Event

    • If Fixed Date is selected, this will present a calendar tool to enter or select an event date​

    • If Dependent Event is selected, this will present a dependent search field

      • Search for a dependent event name in the search field (will be limited to the events currently saved in the Type/Class/Category (if applicable)

      • Once a dependent event is selected, enter a number in the Lead (-) or Lag (+) Days line

      • Note: If Dependent Event Name is changed, the Lead/Lag Days will be deleted and a new entry required

    • Repeat Event Annually checkbox to set event to repeat every 12 months ​will only be enabled if a Fixed Date is selected. If a dependent event is selected instead, the checkbox will be disabled and the event will only be repeated if the dependent event is set to repeat​

  • Notes:

    • Type/Class/Category/Template are not shown as they are not editable​ for existing events

    • Edits made here are saved only to the Farm Plan - not to the Account level events

View Event

Delete Event

Selecting the delete icon (trash can) on any card that does not have other events dependent on it will display an overlay box similar what is shown below.

  • Select CANCEL to remove the overlay box and keep the event in the plan.

  • Select DELETE to remove the event from the plan.

  • Notes:

    • Deleting a selected event from a Type/Class/Category/Template will not have any impact on other Type/Class/Category/Templates where the event has been assigned. 

    • If the event being deleted is set to repeat annually, this will delete all future repeated events also within the Type/Class/Category/Template but not previous events


Selecting the delete icon (trash can) on any card that does have other events dependent on it will display an overlay box similar what is shown below.

  • Select CANCEL to remove the overlay box and keep the event in the plan.

  • To continue to delete the selected event:

    • Search for a dependent event name in the search field (will be limited to the events currently saved in the Type/Class/Category/Template)

    • ​Once a dependent event is selected, the DELETE button will enable

    • Select DELETE to remove the event from the plan and move all dependencies to the new dependent event (existing lead and lag days will be applied to the new dependent event)

Create Worksheets

Create Worksheets

Selecting the WORKSHEET button (only available after an Account Name and Farm Name is selected) will open a dialog to select and configure the type of worksheet or worksheets to be created.

A dialog similar to what is displayed below will be shown when selected. To create worksheets:

  1. Select the Plan Type (required) - if this is all that is selected, when you select the CREATE button, an Excel file will be created for the Plan Type with individual tabs for each Plan Class-Category-Template. The Excel file will be placed in your device download folder (depending on device setup).

    • The file naming convention is "(Plan Type)​ - YYYY-MM-DD.xlsx"

    • The tab naming conventions can be found here

    • A sample output can be found here

  2. If you would like to limit the worksheets created to specific Plan Class, Category or Template - select these before selecting CREATE

  3. The default date range will be from the current date to 1 year later. Edit these if you would like the file to contain events in a different time range.

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