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Sign In

Anchor 1

Initial Install

After downloading the StockManager tablet application from the Google Play store and opening the app, you should see a screen similar to the one displayed below. You will be presented with a few dialog boxes asking you to allow access to the device's location and files on the device. These are required to make the application work on the device. Please select ALLOW on both dialog boxes to get started

At this point, the app will only provide the following functionality:

  • Feed Planning

    • Paddock Inventory

    • Paddock / Feed Costs

    • Feed Planning

It will not open additional functions or sync data to the cloud until the tablet is registered by an authorized user with a valid StockManager Standard or Full subscription (see Account Setup). 

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Register Tablet

Register Tablet

To unlock full tablet application functionality, select the overflow menu (3 vertical dots) at the top right of the screen. This will display a screen similar to what is shown below. Select the "Register Tablet" while the tablet is connected to the internet. This will open a wizard to guide you through entering:

  • Authorized StockManager user email address that was setup by you or your vet or directly on

  • User password - like above, the password that was setup by your vet or directly on

  • Farm - this will present a list of Farms available to the the user email/password combination entered

  • Terms of Use - view Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and if acceptable, select NEXT

  • Review your inputs and select COMPLETE

  • This will bring you to the SIGN IN screen with the email field pre-populated

Note: After registering the tablet to a specific Farm, it will be "locked" to that Farm and will not be available to use for other farms without deleting the application, reinstalling and registering it to another Farm. This will bring you to the initial SIGN IN screen.

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Sign In

Sign In

After registering the tablet to a specific Farm, a screen similar to what is displayed below will be presented. To sign in, enter your password and select the SIGN IN button.


  • The tablet must be connected to the internet the first time a new user signs into the tablet

  • After this, the tablet does not need to be online

If you are the only user of the tablet on the farm or would prefer to use a single user's credentials and avoid having to sign in each time, select the "Remember me" checkbox. This will store the user credentials and open to the Home Screen without a sign in screen when the app is opened. 

To change this setting so each authorized user is required to sign in every time the application is opened, select the overflow menu (3 vertical dots at the top right) and select logout. The next time the application is opened, it will show a screen similar to what is displayed below except the email field will be blank. 

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After the initial user has registered the tablet and signed in once, additional authorized users can for the farm can sign in simply by entering their email and password while the tablet is online. After the initial sign in online, the tablet does not need to be online for subsequent user sign ins.

Forgot Password

Forgot Password


If you have forgotten your password, you can initiate a password reset from the tablet if it is online. To do this, select the Forgot Password? link while the tablet is connected to the internet. This will present a screen similar to what is displayed below.

Select RESET PASSWORD. This will:

  1. Return you to the sign in screen with your email address prepopulated

  2. Send an email to the email entered, if valid, with "Reset your password for Stock Manager" in the subject line

Go to the email inbox of the email entered, find the password reset email and click on the provided link while online. This will open to the reset password screen which will look similar to what is displayed below.

Enter a new password and repeat and select RESET PASSWORD. This will present a note that your password has been changed and bring you to the web sign in screen. There is no need to sign in at this point. You can return to the tablet and while it is online, enter your new password to sign in. After this sign in, you do not need to be online to sign in to the tablet again. 

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