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Support  >  Web Portal Documentation  Records  >  Non-ID Groups

Non-ID Groups


This screen provides the ability to search for and view Non-ID Group records across all farms associated with your account. You can quickly lookup a Non-ID Group record by Farm name, Animal Type, Non-ID Group Year and Name.

Once the record is found it will display all data entries to the record and allow you to sort the data as needed.  


Search Record

To search for a Non-ID Group record:

  • Select the SELECT FARM down arrow and select a farm name from the list. This will activate the SEARCH NON-ID GROUPS button

  • Select SEARCH NON-ID GROUPS button. This will present the following screens:

    • Animal Type - Cattle, Deer or Sheep

    • Non-ID Group - Select from list of Non-ID Groups for the Farm that match the animal type - they will be listed

  • On COMPLETE, it will display the record if found (see below)


View Record

The screen displays the following information in the top section.

  • Animal Type - Cattle, Deer or Sheep

  • Non-ID Group Year - 2007 -2019

  • Non-ID Group Name - From list created on tablet application

The bottom section will present the following information:

  • Data Element - the name of the data element added

  • Value - the specific value of the data element for the entry

  • Entry Type / Event Name - this indicates the function that was used to create the entry into the record. The options include:

    • Animal ​/ Non-ID Group - entries made in the Animal / Non-ID Group screen on the tablet app - Event Name will be blank

    • Configured Event - entries made in the Configured Event screen on the tablet app

  • Event Name - this will only be shown for the Configured Event used for the entry

  • Date - The date and time that the entry was made to the database. NOTE: The format and date/time is based on device settings

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