Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
This screen provides the ability to quickly analyze any set of tagged animals with individual records at one or more farms that your user account has access to, then copy this analysis and make changes to filters or metrics to quickly compare different scenarios.
Select Farm(s)
The first step is to select the Farms to include in a scenario analysis. To do this select the SELECT FARMS button which will present a list of farms available to the user account. Select the Farm(s) you would like to include in the analysis which will place the name of the farm in the box.
The next step is to define the subset of animals to include in the analysis using filters. To do this:
Select Animal Type ( Cattle, Deer, Sheep) - this will customize the list of available filters to the Animal Type (e.g. only wool related filters for sheep)
Once this is selected:
A count animals with the selected Animal Type will be displayed below. This count will be updated after additional filters are added or removed.
The SELECT FILTERS, VIEW LIST and SELECT METRICS buttons with be enabled
3. Touch SELECT FILTERS to view a list of available filters for the Animal Type selected.
4. Find the filter that you would like to apply and select it (limited to one at a time). This will activate the NEXT button on the bottom right.
5. The next screens will vary based on the filter selected. The options are as follows:
Multiple filter selections (multiple selections allowed) - e.g. Birth Rank - Single, Twin, etc.
Multiple filter selections - Current (most recent entry for animals) - Group - 2018 Ewe Lambs - Current
Multiple filter selections with a date range - e.g. Condition Score - 2,3 or 4 between 1/1/17 and 1/1/18
Date Range - e.g. Birth Date between 1/1/17 and 1/1/18
Single text entry - e.g. DNA ID - 12345abcd
Text entry - Current (most recent entry for animals) - e.g. Comment - "Bad leg"
Text entry with a date range - e.g. Comment - "Bad leg" between 1/1/17 and 1/1/18
Exact number match - e.g. EID - 9821234567890123 or Breeder Farm 12340408
Number range - most recent entry - e.g. Last entry weight 100 - 200kg
Number range with a date range - e.g. Weight between 100 - 200kg between 1/1/17 - 1/1/18
6. Review - this screen provides a summary of the filters selected to confirm before applying the filter with the COMPLETE button
7. Once you have selected a filter and COMPLETE, the system will:
Present the filter details below the header in the top section (in order that they were created)
Apply the filter to the database and update the count of animals that meet ALL defined filter criteria
8. To modify the applied filters, you can:
Select the CLEAR FILTERS button which will remove all previously added filters and clear all metrics
Select the row overflow icon and select:
Edit - to edit the existing filter
Delete - to remove the filter
View List
To ensure that the filtered subset of animals is correct before selecting analysis metrics, the VIEW LIST button will display a pre-defined list of the most recent animal attributes for animals in the filtered subset. To do this:
Select the VIEW LIST button below the filter table
This will present the standard view which contains (left to right)
VID - The Visual Tag number for the animal (if available)
VID Year - the VID Year associated with the VID (will be available if VID is)
Tag Color - The color of the tag (if available)
Weight - The most recent Weight (kg) recorded for the animal
Wt Gain/Day - The weight gain per day in grams between the last two weight entries for the animal
Total Wt Gain - The total weight gain (kg) for the animal between the 1st and last recorded weight entry
Group - the last Group that the animal was assigned to (if available)
Comment - the last comment added to the animal record (if available)
The CHANGE COLUMNS button opens a screen similar to what is displayed below. This enables the ability to change the data elements displayed for all animals in the list. Simply select or deselect any of the data elements listed and select CHANGE. This will remove the overlay and change the headers in the list to correspond to the data elements selected.
The 4 left hand columns are not editable and will not be shown in the selection list
The columns will be displayed left to right in the order they are displayed (top to bottom) in the list
Once the filtered subset of animals is confirmed using the tools above, you are ready to calculate metrics associated with all animals in the subset. To do this:
1. Select the ADD METRIC button
2. This will present you a list of available metrics to calculate for the filtered subset based on the Animal Type selected in the Filters section.
3. Find the metric that you would like to apply and select it (limited to one at a time). This will activate the NEXT button on the bottom right.
4. The next screens will vary based on the metric selected. The options are as follows:
Metric selection - e.g. Av. Animal Age, Av. Birth Rank, etc.
Metric selection at a projected future date - e.g. Av. Weight At Future Date on 1/1/19
Metric selection with a date range - e.g. Av. Condition Score or Av. Weight Gain Per Day between 1/1/17 and 1/1/18
Metric selection with event and date range - e.g. Post Birth Survival Rate between birth event/date and later event (weaning, etc.)/date
5. Review - this screen provides a summary of the metric details to confirm before calculating the metric with the COMPLETE button
6. Once you have selected a metric and COMPLETE, the system will:
Present the metric details and calculated value below the header in the bottom section (in order that they were created)
Note: The value presented will also show the number of entries that had sufficient data to complete the calculation. This is provided to help understand whether the value is representative of the filtered subset. For example, if there are 100 animals in the filtered subset but only 5 entries associated with the calculated value, this most likely is not representative of the subset.
7. To modify the applied metrics, you can:
Select the CLEAR METRICS button which will remove all previously added metrics
Select the row overflow icon and select:
Edit - to edit the existing metric
Delete - to remove the metric
Copy Scenario 1
To copy all settings from Scenario 1 to Scenario 2, select the Copy Scenario 1 checkbox.
If nothing is configured for Scenario 2 at the time the checkbox is selected, all settings from Scenario 1 will be populate in Scenario 2
If Scenario 2 contains selections at the time the checkbox is selected, an overlay box will be presented giving you the option of overwriting Scenario 2 or cancelling