Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Support > Veterinarian Support > Planning > Key Concepts
Key Concepts
StockManager is designed to provide vets with a simple to use system for managing health treatments and farm plans and use these to collaborate with their farmers. This page outlines the key concepts that the system was designed around and how health treatments, events, templates and farm plans work together.
The term "Farm Plan" is used throughout this page vs. "Animal Health Plan". This is to more accurately describe the actual functionality provided by the Farm Plan screen. While it contains the common components of an Animal Health Plan (i.e. Treatment event details by stock class by month), it also provides the farmer the ability to use the tool to manage farm specific tasks (i.e. admin, health & safety, land, staff and stock) with the goal of providing a single planning and task management tool for vets and farmers.
Account vs. Farm Access
The first concept is the system access that vets have vs. farmers. In the system, vets are assigned the Account role and farmers, the Farm role. These roles are assigned to users and provide the mechanism to enable or disable access to specific screens and functions. This structure enables a vet to create, manage and roll up reporting for multiple farms under their Account.
Account vs. Farm Screens
The roles outlined in the previous section are used to limit access to certain screens only to vets. The graphic to the right outlines the screens only available to the Account role and those available to both the Account and Farm role along with how data is shared between the functions.
The Account only screens listed provide vets with the ability to manage a single listing of Health Treatments, Events and Templates that can then be copied to individual Farm's Health Treatments listing or Farm Plan.
Once copied, the screens can be jointly managed by the vet and farmer without affecting the Account level listings.
Manage Treatments vs. Health Treatments Screens
The Manage Treatments screen is restricted to the Account role and provides vets with a default list of Health Treatments and associated details that they can add to as needed along with a mechanism to add sale pricing details (pack size and sale price) that is used in other screens to help vets forecast future sales and required quantities. Treatments listed in this screen can be added to individual farms by selecting the Farm and then a checkbox.
The Health Treatments screen is available to both the Account and Farm roles. It contains any Health Treatments added from the Manage Treatments screen along with any that are added in this screen by the vet or farmer. Treatments added in this screen are displayed with a special character in the Manage Treatments screen when a Farm is selected.
Once Health Treatments are added to this screen, purchase details can be associated with them - i.e. batch #, expiration dates and purchase quantities. Once these details are added, the Health Treatment purchase is made available in the tablet application to add to individual animal or group records.
Manage Events vs. Manage Templates Screens
The Manage Events screen is restricted to the Account role and provides vets with a default list of Farm Plan Events and associated details that they can add to as needed. Three types of events are available:
Farm - events completed on farm that do not involve administration of a Health Treatment
Service - veterinarian services that do not involve the administration of a Health Treatment
Treatment - events that involve the administration of a Health Treatment - requires selection of a Health Treatment (from Manage Treatments listing) along with dosage information
Events listed in this screen are then available to assign to Templates or copy to individual Farm Plans.
The Manage Templates screen is also restricted to the Account role and provides vets with a default list of Farm Plan Templates and associated details that they can add to as needed. Templates are developed by selecting a Type, Class and Category (e.g. Cattle-R1-Steer) and then adding Events (from Manage Event listing) along with template order (days after template start) or event dependencies (dependent event and lead/lag time).
Templates listed in this screen are then available to add to individual Farm Plans.
Manage Plans
The Manage Plans screen is restricted to the Account role and provides vets with tools to quickly build individual Farm Plans and "publish" them so farmers can view/edit them in collaboration with vets. Changes made in the Farm Plans by farmers will be reflected in the Manage Plan screen.
Farm Plans are developed by selecting a Farm under the Account and then copying Templates or Events to a specific Type/Class/Category in the Plan. Once events (template based or individual) are copied to the Farm, any changes made to them in the Farm Plan will not be copied back to the Account level Event or Template listings.
Types include Farm, Cattle, Deer and Sheep
Classes are unique to Types
Farm - Admin, Health & Safety, Land, Staff and Stock
Cattle & Deer - Calf, R1, R2 and Mixed Age
Sheep - Lamb, Hogget, 2 Tooth and Mixed Age
Categories are unique to Classes
Farm Classes
Admin, Health & Safety, Land, Staff - no Categories
Stock - Cattle, Deer & Sheep
All Cattle, Deer and Sheep Type Classes have gender based Categories - e.g. Cattle - Bull, Cow, Mixed & Steer
When copying Templates or Events to the appropriate Type/Class/Category on a Farm Plan, scheduling details are required.
Scheduling options include:
Selecting a specific date for an Event or a Template start date.
All events in Templates will be scheduled to specific dates in the Farm Plan based on the number of Lag days from Template start.
Selecting a dependent Event (within same Type/Class/Category) and a Lead or Lag time from the Event.
All events in Templates will be scheduled to specific dates in the Farm Plan based on the number of Lag or Lead days from the dependent event date
Choosing to repeat events each year on the same date going forward
The following rules apply to editing events copied to the Farm Plan (via Add Event or Add Template):
Editing Event Details
Non-scheduling edits made to Events will be copied to duplicate Events (same type & name)
If they are within the same Type/Class/Category
If they are scheduled in the future. Edits will not be copied to Events scheduled prior to the edited Event date
Scheduling edits (date/dependencies/repeat annually) made to Events will adjust the Event itself and:
Other events that are dependent on it
Future annually repeated events
Editing Repeated Events
Editing a repeated event will break the link to the past event that it was linked to. This means that any changes to the past event will no longer affect the future event
Repeated events can be adjusted back to one day after the event it repeats
Deleting an event will also delete all future (but not past) repeating events