Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Setup & support
Get your farmers quickly using StockManager with you to plan, manage and monitor key events on the farm. Provide guidance on how to best utilize the tool to collect data, make optimal decisions and implement them while easily maintaining compliance records.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Event assistance & outsourcing
Provide assistance or outsourcing of key livestock events using StockManager to capture event data and implement decisions. Promote a combination of vet and tech resources to provide cost effective outsourcing of common livestock events.
Feed planning
Optimal animal condition across the year is key to driving results and effective feed planning is a critical component of this. Provide your customers with guidance on how to effectively use animal data, drafting/grouping & feed planning tools to ensure animals are being fed most effectively with available resources.
Performance planning
Improving key metrics requires a combination of benchmarking to determine opportunities, effective planning, ROI analysis of improvement options and monitoring of results. The combination of StockManager and vet resources provide a powerful set of tools to help your farmers effectively achieve their goals
Support > Android Documentation > Feed Planning > Paddock / Feed Costs
Paddock / Feed Costs
The purpose of this screen is to capture paddock and feed cost data and display it in a way that makes it easy to determine the most efficient sources of feed. Note - there are many abbreviations used in this and other Feed Planning screens, click here for definitions.
This screen covers:
How to view and interpret the primary screen
How to add a Paddock cost
How to add a Feed and Feed cost
View Details
The first time the Paddock/Feed Cost button is selected after installation and adding a few paddocks, it will present a screen similar to what is displayed below. The displayed data is as follows:
Paddock Section
Paddock Name as entered
Type - Cost Type - only visible when the Paddock row is expanded
Category - Cost Category - only visible when the Paddock row is expanded
Detail - displays the optional text entered for a cost entry and is only visible when the Paddock row is expanded
12 Mo Cost - a rolling 12 month total of costs entered for the Paddock
12 Mo kg DM - a rolling 12 month total of paddock production (updated every time a new Paddock Inventory results in a lower available kg DM value than the previous entry - this will show zero until this scenario happens)
12 Mo MJ - a rolling 12 month total of paddock production (updated every time a new Paddock Inventory results in a lower available MJME value than the previous entry - this will show zero until scenario happens)
$/MJ - a calculation of 12 Mo Cost divided by 12 Mo MJ
Date - the date of the most recent cost entry
Feed Section
Feed Name - Combination of Feed Type and Feed Name selected
Detail - displays the optional text entered for a cost entry and is only visible when the Feed row is expanded
12 Mo Qty - a rolling 12 month total of purchased feed quantity
12 Mo Cost - a rolling 12 month total of purchased feed costs
$/kg DM - a calculation of 12 Mo Cost divided by 12 Mo Qty
12 Mo MJ - a rolling 12 month total of MJ associated with purchased feed
$/MJ - a calculation of 12 Mo Cost divided by 12 Mo MJ
Date - the date of the most recent feed cost entry
The following is an example of the same screen after paddock inventory updates resulted in lower available kg DM and MJME amounts where the difference is captured as 12 month production.
Add Paddock Cost
To add a Paddock Cost:
1. Select the ADD PADDOCK COST button
2. This will open a wizard to:
Select a Paddock
Select a Cost Type
Select a Cost Category - options to select from will be based on the Cost Type selected previously
Enter Text Detail (Optional) - this is a place to enter any additional details that you would like to reference later about the cost incurred
Enter Cost amount for the specific Paddock selected
Select the Date that the cost was charged
Review - this will present a summary of your entries
3. After you select the COMPLETE button in the Review screen, the system will:
Remove the wizard
Update the 12 Mo Cost, $/MJ and Date in the Paddock row
Add a hidden row below the Paddock row with the details entered
4. To access a history of all Paddock Cost entries, simply touch any part of the Paddock row. Entries are shown in order of entry date with the most recent entry at the top of the list
5. To delete a specific cost entry from the expanded list, simply touch on the three dots at the end of the row and select the Delete option
Add Feed Cost
To add a purchased/harvested Feed amount and Cost:
1. Select the ADD FEED COST button
2. This will open a wizard which will walk you through the required inputs
Select a Feed Type
Select a Feed Name - options to select from will be based on the Feed Type selected previously
Enter ME Level - an editable default amount will be pre-populated based on the Feed selections made. References are provided to assist in making changes to the default amount.
Enter Text Detail (Optional) - this is a place to enter any additional details that you would like to reference later about the feed purchase
Enter Amount of feed purchased in kg DM
Enter Cost amount for the purchased feed
Select the Date that the cost was charged
Review - this will present a summary of your entries
3. After you select the COMPLETE button in the Review screen, the system will:
Remove the wizard
A new row will be created for the Feed if it has not been entered previously with the 12 Mo Qty, 12 Mo Cost, $/kg DM, 12 Mo MJ, $/MJ and Date listed. Additional entries for previously entered Feeds will update the previous amounts
Add a hidden row below the Feed row with the details entered
4. To access a history of all Feed Cost entries, simply touch any part of the Feed row. Entries are shown in order of entry date with the most recent entry at the top of the list
5. To delete a specific cost entry from the expanded list, simply touch on the three dots at the end of the row and select the Delete option