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Support  >  Getting Started  > Initial Priorities

Initial Priorities


Now that you have setup an account at, installed the StockManager Android app on your tablet and registered the tablet to a Farm, there are a few items that you need to customize for your farm before you start collecting animal data.


Add Health Treatments

For specific health treatments to be available to add to Animal or Non-ID Group records, they must first be added to the application using the Health Treatment screen. Simply locate all current health treatments, select the Health Treatment screen, select the ADD HEALTH TREATMENT button and follow the on screen guide to add the details of each. Then select the 3 dots at the end of the Health Treatment row and select Add Purchase to add specific purchase details for the Health Treatment (i.e. batch #, expiry date and quantity)

Once this step is completed, all health treatments added will be displayed as available values when adding health treatments. Click here for support documentation on adding health treatments.

Add Health Treatments

Add Groups

For specific Groups to be available in the application, they must first be added to the application using the Group Settings screen. Simply select the Group Settings screen, select the ADD GROUP button and follow the on screen guide to add the details of each. 

Once this step is completed, all ID Groups added will be displayed as available values when adding Group to an individual Animal record and all Non-ID Groups added will be available to add data to. Click here for support documentation on adding Groups and here for Group Key Concepts.

Add Groups

Edit Data Elements

To simplify the number of data elements and available values in the application, the Data Element Settings screen provides the ability to disable those that don't apply to your farm. Simply select the Data Elements Settings screen, review the list of data elements and available values and deselect any that don't apply to your farm. Click here for support documentation on this screen.

Edit Data Elements

Add Configured Events


To prepare for upcoming data collection and drafting events, you may want to add and configure a few Configured Events in the system to familiarize yourself with the function. Simply select the Configured Events button from the Home screen and then select the ADD EVENT to get started.

Once you have added and event, select the CONFIGURE button to customize the data collection and drafting details for the event.  Click here for support documentation on Configured Events and here for Events Key Concepts.

Add Configured Events

Import Tags

If you use EID and/or Visual Tags in your operations, go to - sign in and select Records - Import Tags to download EID/VID tag files from Allflex and Zee Tags or to manually load Visual only tag ranges and details. 

This function will add missing tag data to matching animals in the system and will identify which tags are currently in use on animals in the system. Click here for support documentation on this screen. Click here for key concepts around using tags.

Import Tags

Import Historical Data

Last, if you have historical data files on your tagged animals that you would like to load into the system, you can go to - sign in and select Records - Import Records to select your files and import them to a specific Farm. 

This function requires that historical data is formatted to StockManager standards. Click here for support documentation on data standard, formatting and importing. 

Import Historical Data
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